If you see this syrup in your Costco, BJ's, or Sam's Club, please support this label.
This is the first African American Vendor at one of these stores. Let's buy some pancake syrup!!! Michele Hoskins, CEO/founder of Michele Foods recently became the FIRST African American vendor with Costco! She was on the Oprah Show and told her story, rising from welfare to faring well.
She is asking ALL people, regardless of color, to support her by going to Costco and purchasing a bottle of her pancake syrup @ the cost of $3.25. If your local Costco doesn't have the product, PLEASE ask for it as she is trying to open the doors for ALL MINORITY vendors to gain entry on the shelves of Costco.
The website is: http://www.michelefoods.com/ and the company is out of Chicago , IL .
(Thanks Cousin Lillie for the "heads up")