Saturday, February 20, 2021

Black History Month 2021


I'll admit that I've been in a bit of a writing slump.

I've been trying to fake it, but the pandemic has taken its toll on me emotionally.  

And here we are almost at the end of Black History Month and I haven't posted one thing.

I started to think about how Black History Month has become so "mainstream" and how everyone is cashing in (remember to Buy Black Owned products) and it just made me feel like, well, how I've always felt.

Black History Month is every month for me.

I've been Black a long time.

I don't need the calendar or one month to make me realize the importance of my history and my people.  I need to make sure that 12 months out of the year, I'm doing my part to educate myself and others.  Allies are welcome.  But, please walk the talk.

2020 brought the killing of George Floyd and the Black Lives Movement has pulled back the covers on a dirty secret.  Wasn't a secret to me or to you.  We already knew.

But we don't have to make February the only time we dedicate to our culture, causes, issues and milestones.

Peace and Blessings.