Yesterday, I went to mass at 5:30 because my daughter was singing. I usually go to church on Sunday at 11. I'm Catholic. I used to be Baptist but there was a huge rift in my church and I changed religions. Long story. Anyway, I consider myself a "Baptist Catholic."
For years, we went to an all-Black parish (well Black and Hispanic). However, when my daughter changed elementary schools years ago, we started to attend the church at the school. It's pretty much all-White. Of course, there are plenty of African American Catholics and many books have been written on their contributions to the church throughout the years.
I still get angry when I go to a different mass and someone in the pew behind me says, "Welcome!" It's as if I must be a visitor because I couldn't possibly be a member. I usually get an attitude and am upset for the entire service. Of course, this happened yesterday. I try not to blame people for their ignorance or lack of diversity, but for crying out loud, it's 2011.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I guess the saying still rings true - "Sunday is the most segregated day of the week."
I'm trying to keep in mind what the priest said in church, "Forgive and ye shall be forgiven."
Have a wonderful week and peace be with you.