Friday, November 17, 2017

Jesse Jackson's Parkinson's Diagnosis and the Tragic Cost of Living a Public Life

Whether you love him or not, Jesse Jackson is a living legend.  

While many of his accomplishments have been overshadowed by talk of inaccuracies in his recanting of events or his alleged infidelities, there is no question that Reverend Jackson has lived a very giving and public life.  And he's reaped the rewards and consequentially the tragedies that accompany such legendary status.

It makes me sad to write this because when I think of Jesse Jackson, I think of a tall, proud, handsome man.  Despite his shortcomings, he's one of a kind.  

Which also makes me think about Jesse Jackson, Jr.  The man I thought would be the First Black President of the United States.  It's true.  Long before I'd heard of President Barack Obama, I followed the career of another young, intelligent, handsome, charismatic politician from Chicago who seemed destined for the White House.  I don't need to elaborate on Jesse Jr's. ultimate fall from grace, but suffice to say, that people seem to only remember the bad things you've done and not the good.

The Jackson family has gone through a lot.  Let's send warm thoughts and prayers their way.  They've given a lot and that's the least we can do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, was sad to hear about this diagnosis. Our Nation has benefitted greatly from the contributions of Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. Black and other People of Color have to acknowledge and show gratitude for Rev. Jackson's contributions to our fight for equality. My sincere prayers and positive thoughts go out to Rev. Jackson and his family as they fight his illness.