Sunday, November 19, 2023

Rest in Power, Radcliffe Bailey

Radcliffe Bailey (November 25, 1968 – November 15, 2023) They say it's never to late to learn something new. And I need to learn more about Black artists. When I read on social media about the passing of Radcliffe Bailey (gone too soon), I was embarrassed that I had no idea who he was until he was gone. Critically aclaimed and a brilliant talent. We have so much talent that either doesn't give enough mainstream attention or we (speaking for myself) don't spend enough time getting educated about. For his family and friends, my sincere condolences and for the rest of us, educate ourselves while we can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the reminder that we can get so caught up in the day-to-day that we don’t take time to appreciate each other and ALL we bring to the bounty of life. You now know who he was and took the time to honor and express condolences. This timing was your assignment to spread awareness of how we’ve become unaware and a wake-up call to do better so we can teach better. Let’s vow to make knowing about and appreciating us a priority. Blessings for planting a seed of awareness.