Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dionne Warwick "My Life As I See It"

"For 50 years, the name Dionne Warwick has been synonymous with elegance, perfection and brilliance. Warwick, who hailed from a musically gifted family, came along at a time when computerized studio tracks were virtually non-existent, and the voice - accompanied by live music - was what made a hit record. Warwick broke new ground in music as the first "cross-over" artist from R&B into the pop genre and paved the way for generations of performers. What began for Warwick as being dubbed the "demo queen," recording the work of songwriters for the purpose of showcasing to record executives, has evolved into one of the most historic, pionering, and long-standing careers in show business."

(from inside flap)

(Book review coming soon)

"My Life As I See It" - Dionne Warwick (with David Freeman Wooley)

Dionne Warwick's new autobiography, "My Life As I See It," is now for sale at bookstores and online.

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