Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Golden: The Miraculous Rise of Steph Curry - A Book Review of Marcus Thompson II's "Sermon"

Preach Marcus!  

Marcus Thompson’s observations of Steph Curry’s miraculous rise, is that spiritual food that I look for on Sunday to sustain me through the week, as I encounter the slings and arrows of opposing fans.  
Yes, Marcus is indeed that learned Preacher delivering a stirring sermon to his “choir” and meticulously constructing his evidences of indictment upon those who are still unbelievers.  

"Golden" paints a picture of one who was chosen to break down the constructs of NBA lore and belief to bring about a new Covenant of faith and Resurrection to the "We Believe-ers" and  the "Strength in Numbers” generation.  

Thompson’s high literary and B-Ball IQ, is poured from the heart, as he intertwines facts with prose and events with analysis to fully discuss Steph Curry’s inevitable rise to greatness.  Steph Curry’s life writes the book and Marcus Thompson puts pen to paper to retain it for us as it happens in our midst and for generations to come.  

Each chapter chooses a particular focus on Steph Curry’s life, but each chapter tells the same story; he was gifted to us to show us a different way.  If you are a fan, reading this book will only help you identify and give meaning to how you feel.  

If you are not a fan, reading this book will make you look at your own legend in a different way.  Amen.

(Review by JRS)

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